Part 12: The Elder Updates XII - An Inauspicious Knife in the Dark
An Inauspicious Knife in the Dark
Before we first, let's prepare ourselves for the horrors of a post-level 5 world. First, an enchanted bow. We will treasure its fire damage always.

Next, we pick some stuff up from the GOOD magic shop. I bought Electric Touch and Flame Touch, which is to say I bought Electric Touch and donated 230 gold to Mystic Emporium, because I never really find a reason to use Flame Touch. Oh well!

Soon, I will become a vampire assassin. Let's go, horse.

The Inn of Ill Omen is on the road to Bravil.

Beyond that is...Leyawiin? I've never been to Leyawiin.

I will murder Rufio, and then I will continue south and see Leyawiin.

Hm? A Daedric shrine?

Daedric shrines offer quests for powerful artifacts, and each requires certain items to start. Clavicus' requirement is one of the simpler ones.

The favor of a Daedric Prince would be good to have.

What is this? No matter how hard I try, I cannot compel myself to place the gold on the altar.
Unfortunately, we can't do this until we're level 20. Must be a good artifact!

Another time, Clavicus.

One uneventful horseback ride, two failed recordings, and a camera issue later...

Ah, bless the Nine. Strength, cleansing power, good health...

...shit, good health! There goes the ol' dark gift.

I can still be an assassin, though.


Hello, Rufio.

Oh my, are you trying to sleep? Here, let me get the light.


And now I slumber and wait for Lucien to come again.

I cannot even BEGIN to comprehend where that guard came from. The Private Quarters are their own cell, and I killed Rufio in one hit while he was sleeping, and I just see no way a guard could've been aware of that. Next time, Leyawiin. Good lord, Bethesda.
Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -7 +